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Philippe Willemart

Philippe Willemart completed his PhD in French Language and Literature from the University of São Paulo in 1976. He is Professor Emeritus of the School of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo (USP) Researcher IA of CNPq and has published books in São Paulo, Paris, Montréal and Oxford. He is a member of the Proustian team of the Institut des Textes et Manuscrits Modernes (ITEM) of the CNRS., a founding member of the Association of Researchers in Genetic Criticism (APML-APCG), the Laboratory of Literary Manuscript and of the Center for Research Support in Genetic Criticism (NAPCG). He also coordinated the exchanges between USP and Paris VIII, and USP and CNRS (ITEM). Among his many publications are: Les mécanismes de la création littéraire: Lecture, écriture, génétique et psychanalyse (2021); L'Univers de la création littéraire: Dans la chambre noire de l’écriture : «Hérodias» de Flaubert (2017); Le Sujet de la jouissance dans les arts, en littérature et en psychanalyse (2014); Les processus de création: dans À l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs de Marcel Proust (2019).

Articles of Philippe Willemart

L’image dilacérée par les calculs et les lettres / A imagem dilacerada por cálculos e letras.

This essay starts out from Flusser’s theory on the contrast between images and writing from the second narrative of creation in the Bible and proceeds in three successive movements: in the first movement of writing science and literature come together, in the second they are separated from each other and in the third a series of equations are constructed which allow researchers to predict the future. The action of the robot, although endowed with a powerful memory, is unable to fit into these movements and thus does not belong to the community of human beings.

L’image dilacérée (PDF 261.75 KB)
A imagem dilacerada (PDF 198.17 KB)

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