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Flusser Studies 02 - May 2006

Introduction (PDF 97.69 KB)

Haut / Skin

Haut (PDF 78.82 KB)
Skin (PDF 87.83 KB)

Flusser on Translation

On Translation (PDF 131.37 KB)

Vilém Flussers Sprache und Wirklichkeit von 1963 im Kontext seiner Medienphilosophie

Language and Reality (Língua e Realidade), written 1963 in Portuguese, is Vilém Flusser’s first publication on the subject of language. Communication as inter-subjective conversation is regarded here as the very form in which language lives up to itself. Already in this early phase of his Brazilian work – which so far has not been given the attention it deserves – future themes are present in an embryonic way. His reflections on electronic brains participating in a communication network, for instance, can be found again in the concept of a telematic information society. Flusser’s recourse to European language theories throws a rather unexpected light on his media and communication theory of the eighties and early nineties.

Sprache und Wirklichkeit (PDF 206.51 KB)

Verwurzelung und Bodenlosigkeit – Strukturelle Fremdheit bei Vilém Flusser

The paper delivers a reading of Flusser’s Concept ‘Bodenlosigkeit’ (groundlessness) with respect to the Husserlian concept of ‘Lebenswelt’ (life-world). By examining the connection between ‘Bodenlosigkeit’ with its complementary term ‘Verwurzelung’ (rootage), ‘Bodenlosigkeit’ is illustrated as Flusser’s idea for what current phenomenological approaches call ‘structural foreignness.’ ‘Structural foreignness’ functions as an important premise for Flusser’s subsequent philosophy of dialogue and communication.

Some Brief Remarks on a Theory of Superface / Bemerkungen zu einer Theorie der Ueberflaeche

Theory of Superface (PDF 96.86 KB)
Theorie der Ueberflaeche (PDF 108.11 KB)

Vilém Flusser Nucleus Research Group / Grupo de Pesquisa Núcleo Vilém Flusser

Nucleus Research Group (PDF 135.47 KB)
Grupo de Pesquisa (PDF 152.75 KB)

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