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Cristina Achury

Cristina Achury is a communication designer specialized in exhibition and editorial design; her focus is at the crossroads of language and memory. She holds a master’s degree in Exhibition Design from Berlin University of the Arts (UdK Berlin), where she worked on a linguistic space for the Vilém Flusser Archive. She gained work experience in the cultural field and taught as an adjunct design professor in Colombia. Her work has been awarded by the LAD Awards, the Type Directors Club, and the Ibero-American Design Biennial.

Articles of Cristina Achury

The Anti-Archive as a spatial design tool for the continuous destruction and reconstruction of memory

The installation Anti-Archive in the Vilém Flusser Archive (Berlin) establishes a design posture, a method for conveying content from memory spaces that rejects the reproduction of historical discourses. Instead, it seeks to show the ruptures and gaps in history in which each individual can endlessly reconstruct his memory. There are infinite anti-archives in every archive.

Anti-Archive (PDF 79.6 KB)

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