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Erick Felinto

Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Erick Felinto is a full professor in the Department of Media Studies at the State University of Rio de Janeiro since 1999. He authored several books and articles in Portuguese, English, German, French and Spanish on topics related to film studies, media philosophy and digital culture. He worked as a collaborator and translator for the dictionary of Flusser’s concepts Flusseriana (Univocal, 2015).

Articles of Erick Felinto

Mundos Estranhos: Ecos do Niilismo e do Pessimismo na Imaginação Flusseriana

This article aims at bringing together Flusser’s thought and the Philosophical tradition of pessimism, especially regarding their similar ways of appealing to the powers of imagination. Always fluctuating between optimism and pessimism without ever assuming a final and definitive stance, Flusser sought to engender new and provocative ways of thinking about humankind’s future, whether in their darkest or most blissful versions. Imagination then becomes a tool for translating even the most radical nihilism into prospects for a better tomorrow. Flusser drinks from the wells of pessimism and nihilism, entertaining ideas that at times feel very close to the teachings of the pessimistic tradition (Mainländer, Bahnsen, Zapffe etc). However, by asserting that final answers are never good answers, Flusser leaves the door open for powerful visions of a humanity that becomes ever more centered on projects rather than on subjects.

Ecos do Niilismo (PDF 267.08 KB)

Pensamento Poético e Pensamento Calculante: o Dilema da Cibernética e do Humanismo em Vilém Flusser

This paper discusses the complex and contradictory status of cybernetics in Flusser’s thought. These contradictions are, to a large extent, intrinsic to the cybernetic paradigm, as demonstrated by authors such as Katherine Hayles and Céline Lafontaine. The strange combination between the humanistic point of view and cybernetics’ destruction of the humanistic subject, already present in Norbert Wiener, engenders a permanent and creative tension within Flusser’s work. The article argues that it is this creative tension that allows Flusser to establish a dialogue with radically new models of subjectivity, while at the same time remaining faithful to what – according to him – characterizes the apex of human experience: freedom and the willingness to engage in a playful relationship with the surrounding environment.

Pensamento poético (PDF 254.74 KB)

Vampyroteuthis: a Segunda Natureza do Cinema. A ‘Matéria’ do Filme e o Corpo do Espectador

Vilém Flusser's Vampyroteuthis Infernalis reenacts and actualizes the time-honored tradition of a mental experiment that purports to efface the boundaries between man and animal. This ancient conceptual device, known in Baroque times as physica naturalis, seeks to illuminate the world of culture by means of its approximation with the world of nature. Instead of opposing poles, nature and culture become reflecting mirrors where man can acknowledge his ties to nature and the animal kingdom. More than just a rhetorical trope, the so-called allegory of natural history comprises what could be defined as a "philosophy of animality," espoused by thinkers such as Walter Benjamin, Gilbert Simondon and Jacques Derrida. In Vampyroteuthis, Flusser resorts to a strange marine creature in order to elaborate a sophisticated meditation on human existence and our relationship with the technological apparatuses we incessantly devise. The goal of this paper is to examine the recent history of the allegory, tracing its developments in the works of contemporary scholars, such as Siegfried Zielinski, Manuel de Landa and Vilém Flusser himself. Moreover, it investigates the applicability of the "philosophy of animality" within the field of film theory, suggesting an approach to filmic experience that focuses on the "material" aspects of cinema and regards the spectator's body as a site for the translation of images into affect and sensation.

Segunda Natureza (PDF 354.65 KB)

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