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Francisco Moura Duarte

Francisco Moura Duarte is Professor of Industrial Engineering at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro since 1995. He was educated at COPPE/ Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PHD in Industrial Engineering, 1994; MSc in Industrial Engineering, 1987), Conservatoire national des arts et métiers, France (DEA in Ergonomics, 1992) and University of Sao Paulo (BA in Industrial Engineering, 1983). Francisco is Head of Innovation and Management Department and his most recent research programs are: Ergonomic analysis of work environment and Production engineering within micro and macro business.

Articles of Francisco Moura Duarte

The Sixth Rung

Digital media and its effects on society have been widely discussed and questioned by many authors, for instance one’s additional self (selves) such as Facebook or Instagram and its later ways to behave virtually (Case 2014) or the effects of uninterrupted entertainment on memory, attention span and creativity (Harris 2015). Besides being an occupation during idle time, an internet connection and its gadgets have become an essential tool to accomplish some of the most ordinary tasks, such as track addresses or pay bills, as well as a powerful feature within the scientific-academic environment. The shift from analog to digital has probably been achieved. The philosopher Vilém Flusser argued that the inadvertent use of “technical” media could substantially change the way we process information, the way we think. Although Vilém Flusser had already highlighted the importance of idle time during which critical thought takes place, it is only during spare time that one is able to re-think about what was done, criticize it and adjust accordingly. Flusser’s major outcome is a possible reshaping of historical consciousness.
The following text discusses the gains and losses of cognitive dimensions after the digital shift and its impacts on the architectural design process, based on Vilém Flusser’s “hypothesis that human civilisation has seen two fundamental turning points since its beginning. The first (…) may be defined as ‘the invention of linear writing’. The second (…) may be called the invention of technical images”. (Flusser 2000; 7). The research looks at new media within the architectural design process: tri-dimensional modeling versus two-dimensional representation, use of smartphones and other interactive media by constructing analogies between writing and architectural representation, and how these new procedures are radically changing consciousness and the task of developing knowledge.

The Sixth Rung (PDF 179.11 KB)

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