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Gabriela Reinaldo

Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Brazil

Professor Dr. Gabriela Reinaldo teaches Aesthetics and Media Studies in the Instituto de Cultura e Arte (ICA) at the Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). Her experience lies within Communication, focusing on Semiotics (Ph.D. in Communication and Semiotics from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2002), and she is working on the following subjects: language, myth and literature. Recent publication on Guimarães Rosa: Uma cantiga de se fechar os olhos: mito e música em Guimarães Rosa (Annablume, 2005).

Articles of Gabriela Reinaldo

A natureza de Vilém Flusser: experiências limites

In the book O mundo codificado, Vilém Flusser claims that the purpose of life is to make us forget the lack of sense in life, which constantly moves us towards death. We are subjected to it in nature's domain. According to Flusser, human communication is unnatural given that its goal was once to organize and store information. However, we ask, is it really possible to oppose culture and nature as entropy and negentropy, the given and the constructed? This article discusses the concept of nature proposed by Vilém Flusser in relation to the representations of nature in the works of the writer Guimarães Rosa and of the botanist C.F.P. Von Martius.

A natureza (PDF 283.69 KB)

O retrato de Rosa em Bodenlos

Romance comes from a human illusion: ”l'illusion de pouvoir comprendre autrui.” With this phrase, Czech writer Milan Kundera, in his book entitled Le Livre du rire et de l'oublie, satirizes the proliferation of the memorialist or intimate writing of the 20th century. Without writing romance and without intending to comprehend his own life on the basis of what sequential and causal logic may propose, the writer Vilém Flusser, also Czech, writes Bodenlos. In Bodenlos, the profile created of the Brazilian writer João Guimarães Rosa (in form of a portrait) helps in creating the writer’s own. This article proposes to relate Rosa and Flusser using Bodenlos as a basis for what?

O retrato de Rosa (PDF 135.28 KB)

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