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Grupo de Teatro da Poli (GTP)

The Grupo de Teatro da Poli (GTP) has over 50 years of existence. Linked to the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (USP), the group was born in a time when theatre was going through a major renovation in São Paulo because of amateur and student groups. During this period, the GTP was directed by engineering student Antonio Carlos Zaratti (the future actor Carlos Zara). Currently, the GTP has about 80 members, divided into several theatrical research nuclei. Despite its bond with the Polytechnic School, the GTP is not only open to students from the University but to participants from the city a a whole. All activities offered by the group are free. Following the principles of libertarian education, the GTP doesn’t establish a hierarchy between its nuclei. All members can participate in the testing of every research, always keeping a link with its original nucleus. The objective of the GTP is offering its participants a set of theatrical techniques, as well as a broader work experience involving art education and personal transformation.

The GTP is based on the principles of Antonio Januzelli’s Teatro da Pessoalidade (Theatre of Personhood), Ph.D. in theatre from the School of Communications and Arts (USP), and follows a post-dramatic aesthetic, breaking with the notions of plot, linearity and theatrical character. The group seeks to develop an innovative language in all its plays, in tune with the course of the latest researches in theatrical performance. Thus, the GTP already staged authors still unknown in Brazil, as the French playwrights Michel Vinaver, Emmanuel Carrère and Jean-Luc Lagarce.

In 2008, the group created a professional nucleus, formed by some actors who wish to deepen their relationship with theatre. The central objective is to radiate the group’s performance beyond the University. The first professional montage, ‘Bodenlos - Without Ground’, opened in two theatres in São Paulo during the months of October and November 2008. In April 2009, the play was selected to take part in the 11th Independent and Amateur Theatre Festival Apostrof in Flusser’s hometown Prague and also at the Flusser Archive at the Universität der Künste in Berlin. On this tour, the group received invitations to present the play in Colombia, Denmark and Germany, and received praise from Flusser specialists as well as his family, for recreating his dynamic and very physical philosophical presence.

Articles of Grupo de Teatro da Poli (GTP)

Bodenlos - Without Ground

‘Bodenlos - Without Ground’ is a collective creation that explores the scenic possibilities of Vilém Flusser’s life and work, marked by the flight from Prague during the Second World War and the subsequent exile in Brazil. Flusser lived here for several decades, writing books, lecturing at universities (including USP) and writing articles for major newspapers. His work, which has been valued in Europe, still isn’t truly recognized here in Brazil. Thus, the GTP sought to shed light on this thinker’s major contribution to Brazilian philosophy, contributing to the rediscovery of his work. When creating the play ‘Bodenlos - Without Ground’, the group chose performance art and an aesthetic research of the word as a theatrical language to discuss the issue of uprooting, of losing safe ground and the feeling of being a stranger in the world, which was so important in Vilém Flusser’s life. The theme is interesting not only for those who feel the emptiness of being rejected by the world they live in, but also for immigrants and descendants of other people who compose Brazilian society.

Directed by: Bia Szvat Performed by: Grupo de Teatro da Poli (GTP) (SÃO PAULO, BRASILIEN)
With: Amanda Freire, Isadora Giuntini, Luis Fernando Pasquarelli, and Maurício Dwek
Duration: approx. 90 min


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