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Jelena Toopeekoff

University of Kassel

Jelena Toopeekoff (1988) was born in Kassel, Germany, where she went to primary school, Junior High and High School. She graduated from High School in 2009 und started to study art and philosophy at the University of Kassel. Since 2003, she has been working as a guide, guard and barkeeper for special events at the Kunsthalle Fridericianum.

Articles of Jelena Toopeekoff

Zwischenmenschliche Begegnung

My contribution to Flusser Studies is a photo-series which expresses my doubt about the ability of two people meeting face to face to actually communicate with each other. In addition, there are a few considerations taken from Vilém Flusser’s book about communicology.

Begegnung (PDF 857.47 KB)

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