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Lucas Bambozzi

FAU-USP, Brasil

Lucas Bambozzi is an artist based in São Paulo, Brazil, producing installations, single channel videos, short films, interactive projects and large-scale projections. His works have been showcased in solo and collective exhibitions in more than 40 countries in venues such as the MOMA, NY; the ZKM; the Frankfurter Kunstverein, ISEA-Ruhr; ISEA/Albuquerque; Laboral, Arco’s Expanded Box; Http Gallery in London; Havana Biennale; Laboratorio Arte Alameda in Mexico City; ŠKUC gallery; Zero1 San Jose; Bienal de Artes Mediales in Chile; BIM Buenos Aires; WRO Biennale and many venues in Brazil, including the São Paulo Bienal. He has curated, among others, the following exhibitions: SonarSound (2004); Digitofagia (2004); Life Goes Mobile (2005 - 2006), O Lugar Dissonante (2009), On Off (2012-2015), Multitude (2014) and Visualismo (2015). He is one of the creators of the Festival arte.mov Mobile Media Art (2006-2012), of the Labmovel project (Honorary Mention at Ars Electronica 2013), and of the Multitude exhibition. He teaches at FAAP Visual Arts School in São Paulo.

Articles of Lucas Bambozzi

Do invisivel ao redor: o que se vê e o que não é aparente

This paper discusses spaces permeated by connectivity and communication flow. It approaches “place” as a field of semantic migrations in which architecture tends to include the invisible aspects of communication technologies. The paper also discusses creative processes and artistic experiments that propose ways of “seeing” and of visualizing electromagnetic fields, radio waves, wi-fi and cellular signals generated by media networks. These artworks point to the invisible dimensions of spaces with intense urban circulation, such as the São Paulo city center, where there is a dramatic convergence and crossing of signs and systems.

Do invisivel (PDF 396.24 KB)

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