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Marianna Michałowska

University of Adam Mickiewicz, Poznan (Poland)

Marianna Michałowska (Ph.D.) is the head of the Department of Research on Film and Audiovisual Culture at the Institute of Cultural Studies at the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznan (Poland). She received a postdoctoral degree in cultural studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Adam Mickiewicz University (2013). Main research interests: the visual sphere of contemporary artistic culture and the meanings of the image in popular culture. Areas of research include contemporary transformations of photography and its presence in urban studies. She is the author of photographic realizations and curator of exhibitions of a series of exhibitions at the Biennale of Photography in Poznań. Currently, she cooperates with researchers from the Gdańsk University of Technology on a project analyzing ways to visualize scientific research.

Articles of Marianna Michałowska

Expanding Photography – Flusser and Polish Intermedia Photography

The essay explores the reasons for the popularity of Vilém Flusser’s ideas on media and history in Polish photography at the end of 20th century. Flusser’s concepts fit perfectly into the thinking about photographic images, which in the 1990s became the leading trend in Central and Eastern Europe. The philosopher’s comments on the “creative gesture” of the photographer, the concept of the universe of technical images, and, above all, the freedom of the artist found a positive response among artists whose art originated in conceptual, performative and “expanded photography” approaches, and created a good foundation for cooperation between artists and academics. Such approaches towards photography gave rise to intermedia photography, which expanded the boundaries of the medium, drawing attention to its formal and socio-cultural context. Furthermore, the paper focuses on photographical case studies by two Polish artists who actively employed Flusser’s vision of media in their art: Stefan Wojnecki and Piotr Wołyński.

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