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Miriam Volmert

University of Zurich, Switzerland

Miriam Volmert studied art history, German literature and archeology in Tubingen, Utrecht and Hamburg. In 2011 she finished her dissertation „Grenzzeichen und Erinnerungsräume. Strukturen holländischer Identität in Dünenbildern der Frühen Neuzeit“ at the University of Hamburg. She is currently working as research assistant at the Institute of Art History at the University of Zurich.

Articles of Miriam Volmert

Vom „Chaos der Farben“ zum blot. Konzepte von Bilderfindung und Gedächtnis bei Alexander Cozens und Samuel van Hoogstraten

This article discusses aspects of artistic inventio in landscape painting in the 17th and 18th centuries with a special interest in the changing role of the cultural understanding of memory and its growing influence on art theory. The main focus is on two discourses about artistic invention –an artistic anecdote by the Dutch painter and theorist Samuel van Hoogstraten (1627–1678) that is part of his treatise on painting Inleyding tot de hooge schoole der schilderkonst (1678), and the blotting system, which the English landscape painter Alexander Cozens (1717–1786) presents in New Method of Assisting the Invention in Drawing Original Compositions of Landscape (1785/86). The article argues that while the earlier text already reflects an increasing awareness of a fundamental shift in traditional concepts of human memory, the latter one finally demonstrates new paradigms of scientific systematization, which gave rise to a different model of creative imagination.

Chaos der Farben (PDF 1.16 MB)

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