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Pablo B. Markin

Pablo B. Markin (Ph.D.) is Community Engagement Director at Knowledge Unlatched (Germany) and manages the Open Research Community dedicated to Open Access and Open Science. He is an Associate Editor for the journals Open Cultural Studies and Open Economics. From 2014, as an Adjunct Instructor, he teaches sociology and ethics courses in the Division of Arts and Sciences of the University of the People (USA). Between 2012 and 2019, he was involved with De Gruyter as an Associate Editor in Culture and Sociology for its Open Access Book Program. In 2017-2019, he was a regular contributor to the Open Science blog. In 2016-2018, he acted as a local academic coordinator for the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO (Italy) and, between 2015 and 2018, as a competence pool member of Kiron Open Higher Education (Germany). In 2012, he received a post-doctoral degree for a thesis on aestheticization, postmodernity and globalization in relation to the Shanghai biennale for contemporary art at the Department of Philosophy of East China Normal University (China). He conducted post-doctoral research on Berlin as a city of culture at the Center for German Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel) in 2008-2010. He received his doctoral degree in Modern Languages and Cultural Studies for a thesis on cultural accumulation and Richard Münch from the University of Alberta (Canada) in 2008. During his research on New York art museums, he acted as a visiting scholar at the German Language Department of Columbia University (USA) in 2007. His graduate degree in Sociology, Social Anthropology and European Studies was received from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel) in 2003.

Articles of Pablo B. Markin

Vilém Flusser’s relevance to contemporary cultural studies

Relevance (PDF 179.02 KB)

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