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Tiago da Mota e Silva

Tiago da Mota e Silva – Master in Communication and Semiotics from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP) – graduated in Journalism from Faculdade Cásper Líbero (FCL) and is currently a researcher at the Vilém Flusser São Paulo Archive, as well as the Interdisciplinary Center for Semiotics of Culture and Media (CISC).  He is a professor at Faculdade Cásper Líbero.

Articles of Tiago da Mota e Silva

The (a)political dimension of school: Vilém Flusser's project with no purpose for education

Drawing on still unpublished texts by Vilém Flusser found in the Vilém Flusser São Paulo Archive, this essay explores the crisis in education described in those texts, and a possible way of resolving it. Underpinning the discussion is the understanding politics the informs these and other selected passages in Flusser's work, calling attention to an aspect of his thought little explored in research about Flusser to date. The essay argues that politics is a fundamental notion in Flusser's communicology, and further, that politics can be interpreted as a way of integrating intersubjectivity, that is, integrating positive results of education into a whole capable of using, rather than being used by the apparatus. However, the victory of education in the face of the apparatus’ project would pass through the conquest of apolitics.  Supporting evidence for these notions was sought in letters from Flusser, exchanged, mainly with his Brazilian friend José Bueno.

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