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Andrea Pócsik

Andrea Pócsik is an independent cultural and film researcher, critic and university lecturer. She wrote a book about Roma representation in film and media: Passing – the (An)archaeology of Roma Image Making (Budapest, Gondolat Kiadó, 2017). Her academic activities are devoted to purposes of domesticating engaged scholarship and building cultural resistance through critical film education, working out new higher education methods. She has been involved in several art events as a curator. From 2016 until present she has been doing  research in memory and archival studies (Bauhaus Archiv Berlin, Vera & Donald Blinken Open Society Archive, documenta archive, Kassel, Artpool Research Center, Budapest). The research results as well as her reviews, analyses and essays, articles about other topics are published in several journals and books.

Articles of Andrea Pócsik


This essay aims to sum up the preliminary conceptions and the results of an archival research and research lab which was conducted and organized by the author at Artpool Art Research Center, Budapest, in the autumn of 2023, and supported by the Museum of Fine Arts with the participation of seven young researchers. Artpool – this unique artist-archive, presently art research center – also called “active – archive – research”, using Galántai’s term invented in 1979, was founded by him, his wife, and the fellow artist Júlia Klaniczay. Their personal presence in the lab’s research work, “the thought-exchange” – as Galántai understands teaching/learning – provided an opportunity to develop a new research method based on Michael Polanyi’s personal knowledge theory. The essay also highlights the possibilities of exploring parallels between Vilém Flusser’s and György Galántai’s thinking and opens up new perspectives for further research.


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