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Marcus Vinicius Fainer Bastos

Marcus Vinicius Fainer Bastos has a Ph.D. in Communication and Semiotics from PUC-SP, where he is a professor at the Art’s Department, since 2003. Since 2012, he is also a professor for the postgraduate program in Technologies of Intelligence and Digital Design. Recently, he did a research internship at the Humboldt University of Berlin and was a substitute professor in the Visual Arts undergrad at ECA-USP. Publications: Live Audiovisual: trends and concepts (with Patricia Moran 2020); Networks’ Thresholds (2014); Experimental Audiovisual. Archaeologies, dialogues, unfoldings (with Natalia Aly 2018), Cinema Despite the Image (with Gabriel Menotti and Patricia Moran 2016); Mediations, Technology, Public Space: critical overview of art in mobile media (with Lucas Bambozzi and Rodrigo Minelli2010).

Articles of Marcus Vinicius Fainer Bastos

Flusser e Kafka: diálogos em torno de aparelhos, funcionários e programas / Flusser and Kafka: Dialogues on Apparatuses, Functionaries and Programs

The article explores the dialogue between Flusser and Kafka, around the concepts of apparatus, functionary, and program. Starting from the understanding of Prague as a city that builds bridges, the text understands Flusser's thought as a bridge between past and future, referring to its genealogical beginnings in Prague’s literature. In a cross-reading of texts by the two authors, the concepts of apparatus, functionary and program emerge in their different aspects. The dialog with Kafka reveals an important source of Flusser’s thinking.

Diálogos (PDF 263.68 KB)
Dialogues (PDF 248.34 KB)

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