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Pierre Lepori

Pierre Lepori was born in Lugano, Switzerland. He was an actor in theatre companies during the period of his literary studies in Florence and Siena. In 2005, he obtained a doctorate degree in drama from the University of Bern, where he was responsible for the publication The Dictionary of Theatre in Switzerland. He works as a critic and journalist for the Swiss Radio. He is also a mentor at the Swiss Literature Institute in Biel. He has published two essays on theatre history, two collections of poems (including ‘Qualunque sia il nome’ (‘Whatever Might Be the Name’) Schiller Prize 2004) and three novels: ‘Grisù’, Sessualità’ (‘Sexuality’) and ‘Come Cani’ (Like Dogs’), that he translated himself into French. He co-edited the annual magazine of literary exchanges ‘Viceversa Literature’ and founded the queer magazine ‘Hétérographe’ (2009-13). He presents poetic performances and acoustic creations in festivals and galleries. Lepori also directs the Company ‘Théâtre Tome Trois’ (TT3, Lausanne). 

Articles of Pierre Lepori

Il pesce clown

Il pesce clown (PDF 423.34 KB)

Scrittura bilingue

In this interview, Pierre Lepori focuses on biographical reasons for his practice of bilingual writing, the relationship of his two writing languages (Italian and French) to each other and its evolution in the course of his career as a writer and translator.

Scrittura bilingue (PDF 256.93 KB)

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