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Vito Campanelli

MAO - Media & Arts Office, Naples, Italy

Vito Campanelli holds a PhD in Communication and New Technologies and is a writer and a new media theorist. His main research interest concerns the technological imaginary. He is also a freelance curator of digital culture events and co-founder of MAO - Media & Arts Office. His essays on media art are regularly published in international journals. His most recent publications are Snap Shooters (Napoli, 2014) and InfoWar (2013).

Articles of Vito Campanelli

Da soggetti a progetti. L'abbandono dell'Humanismus in Vilém Flusser

By focusing on two of Flusser’s last writings, this essay tries to address the question of the relationship between Flusserian thought and the tradition of humanism. Moving towards a form of intersubjectivity based on dialogue and mutual responsibility, Flusser succeeded in breaking the bonds that bind the contemporary subject to modernity’s unbearable burden. He described the meaning of a contemporary becoming human in a very distinctive way. Indeed, the trajectory drawn by Flusser is not entirely superimposable on the actual vernacular of post-humanism and I believe that its deepening could open us up to more responsible ways to deal with technological development and “post-humanist technologies”.

Da soggetti a progetti (PDF 210.21 KB)

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