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Reflexões sobre “A Casa da Cor à construir em S. Paulo” / Casa da Cor, (reflexões complementares) / Mesa redonda / A cor no mundo pos-moderno / Codigo de cores / Video palestra / Casa da Cor, S. Paulo / In search of a colour code / Why the house of ...

In the two years (1987-1989) in which Flusser collaborated in the project of the Casa da Cor he wrote a series of texts, held conferences, and made several video interviews that have been transcribed. Flusser discussed the House of colour from two distinct but complementary and converging perspectives: the new house to be built and the necessity of a new colour code. In the mid-1980s, Flusser formulated the notion of an all-encompassing convergence of cultural and technical codes. In the context of the project of the House of Colour, he reformulated this vision including colour.

Reflexões (PDF 347.23 KB)
Casa da Cor (PDF 114.8 KB)
Mesa redonda (PDF 383.98 KB)
Codigo de cores (PDF 82.54 KB)
Video palestra (PDF 276.94 KB)
Casa da Cor, S. Paulo (PDF 51.55 KB)
Imagens em cores (PDF 382.63 KB)